Honest comparisons that you really benefit from

Online marketing

With 20 years of knowledge in the field of online marketing, the Bencom Group is the party to carry out successful targeted campaigns. Please contact us for more information and advice. Call us on 0595-425859 or send an e-mail to sales@bencom.nl.

The Bencom Group’s comparison sites attract several hundred thousand visitors a month. Visitors who orientate themselves on one of the Bencom Group sites in the field of telephone, internet, insurance, digital television, energy or a hotel accommodation are a unique target group.

Ways of advertising


Display Advertising
The Bencom Group uses the formats 728×90, 336×280, 250×360, 250×250, 120×600 and 160×600 on its telecomsites. The available formats vary from site to site. To display banners, we use Doubleclick for Publishers DFP.


Non-display advertising
We offer the possibility to place advertorials on our sites and in the newsletters, this is ideal to be able to treat a product or service more extensively.


Webcare accounts
Among others on Bellen.com, we offer providers the possibility to respond directly to comments left on our forum. This allows us to effectively deal with complaints, whereby it is also clear to other visitors that the provider takes complaints seriously.


The Bencom Group sends a Telecom newsletter six times a year and an Energy newsletter four times a year. Our comparator Poliswijzer.nl sends an average of six newsletters a year. The content is about car and health insurance. Each newsletter offers opportunities for non-display advertising. The newsletters have more than 290.000 subscribers.

Interesting coverage telephone, energy and insurance

In the pie charts below, we show information about the gender and age of our website visitors. Specifically aimed at visitors to our telephone, insurance and energy comparison website.







VacanciesAll vacancies

At Bencom Group we are always looking for people who share our vision, ambitions and positive energy.

  • Telegraaf: Spitsuur bij zorgverzekeringen op laatste overstapdag: ’Meeste mensen gaan puur voor laagste premie’
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  • Telegraaf: Steeds meer 60-plussers wisselen van zorgverzekering, 52% van alle overstappers kiest alleen voor basisverzekering
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  • Telegraaf: Experts delen tips: zó ben je het goedkoopst uit met je zorgverzekering
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